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Corkbrick Europe

Imagine a Lego like system, where you can build any structure, wall or furniture, inside or outside, with no tools, no screws, no glue - that's CORKBRICK! It's a solution that empowers creative minds that cannot face DIY solutions. It goes beyond the DIY market to reach all those with a passion and enthusiasm to create unique and innovative solutions in their home and office. We sell a unique, useful, trendy and sustainable product structured on a simple and highly efficient business to the global consumer. We believe it has the potential to become the new Lego for adults with the advantage of being fun and useful (and natural).


Corkbrick is about versatility, flexibility and comfort. No tools, no screws, no glues. The material itself, cork, offers great levels of comfort in means of temperature, acoustics and environment, as it brings nature inside walls. There is a demand to reinvent how we deal with nature and the space we live in as our current resource-wasting practices are unsustainable. We need to find a way to extend the life cycle of goods and create business models that rely on true economic value rather than depend on artificial obsolescence to force consumerism. We need to realise that we are mere passengers with the right to enjoy our journey but with the obligation not to jeopardise the future. Corkbrick is an example of how to leverage natural resources to create a simple, practical, better solution that stimulates creativity and collaboration among people, in family and work environments. Corkbrick helps contribute to the Green Deal Goals as well as several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. With each "brock" sold they will generate at least 20€ for the SDG impact.